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For well over a century, the American Beauty rose has stood as a symbol of everlasting love, elegance, feminine strength, and beauty both inside and out. To capture the delicate and fleeting magic of a blossoming rose and make it last forever is no easy feat, but the Henry American Beauty rifle does just that.
Taking center stage on both sides of the rifle’s receiver cover is the iconic American Beauty rose surrounded by intricate floral scrollwork. The rose and other flourishes are mechanically transferred onto the nickel-plated receiver cover using a plate hand-cut by Master Engraver Heidi Roos. This meticulous process helps retain the original artwork’s bright cuts, further enhanced with vibrant 14kt rose gold plating so the petals appear as if they’re in bloom. A flowing banner beneath the flower reads, “AMERICAN BEAUTY.”
The rest of the American Beauty rifle’s materials and features continue the timeless design and flawless function that Henry is known for. The rifle features gorgeous genuine American walnut furniture, a fully adjustable semi-buckhorn rear sight, a bright brass beaded front sight, and the famed blued steel octagon barrel, which is drilled and tapped under the rear sight to accept a cantilever scope mount. The buttplate and barrel band are nickel-plated to match the receiver cover. Chambered for .22 S/L/LR, the capacity of the traditional magazine tube is 16 rounds of Long Rifle or 21 rounds of Shorts.
To commemorate the years spent together and the years to come, the American Beauty rifle is the most special gift you could give, to be admired at the range, in the field, or hanging above the mantel with pride.